1959 Seattle Miss Chinese Community Pageant |
VENUE: Chong Wa Chinese Benevolent Association Hall
Miss Chinese Community ─ |
─伍慧霞 Wilma Eng |
─陳秋紅 Vera Chan |
The Eng dynasty continues as Wilma captures the crown. Her sister Elinore was the queen back in 1956 and previous queen Ruby Eng is her cousin.
Wilma and sister were born and raised in Seattle and are 2nd generation Chinese. 18 year-old Wilma is an honor graduate of Franklin high school and plans to study psychology at the University of Washington. She plays the piano and sings. Her interests in sports in high school were badminton and basketball.
Wilma went on to compete for Seafair Queen. No Seattle representative was sent to Miss Chinatown USA 1960, which is a shame, Wilma would have been an outstanding rep.
The beautiful, poised and elegant Wilma.
[Images from the Seattle Times, Chinatown News] |
Wilma being crowned at Chong Wa Hall.
Wilma performed a dance during the talent segment of the pageant.
Wilma (left ) with her sister Elinore, 1956 queen.
The 4 contestants gazed into a crystal ball hoping to learn who will be crowned Miss Chinese Community. They are from left: Judy Leong, 19 / Wilma Eng, 18 / Betty Luke, 17 / Vera Chan, 19
Wilma waving to the crowd during the Seafair parade with her princesses seated around her.