第 一 屆 / 1st ANNUAL
一 九 五 〇 年 度 水 仙 花 皇 后 競 選
Image credits: The Chinese World / Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii
FINAL: Monday, February 13th
VENUE: Roosevelt Theatre on Maunakea Street, Chinatown Honolulu
PRELIMINARY: Tuesday, February 7th
VENUE: American Theater
3P Muriel Lung ❀ 1P Nora Mun ❀ NQ Janet Chun ❀ 2P Ruth Awai ❀ 4P Nathalie Young
⑤陳妙愛 Janet Mew Oi Chun |
First Princess / 第一公主── |
⑩文蓮心 Nora Lin Sum Mun |
Second Princess / 第二公主── |
◯陸亞月 Ruth Awai |
Third Princess / 第三公主── |
③龍月容 Muriel Lung |
Fourth Princess / 第四公主── |
①楊麗雲 Nathalie Lai Wun Young |
Finalists / 決賽佳麗── |
◯鮑妙好 Dora Mew Hou Bow
◯龍玉燕 Betty Lou Lung
◯黃秀蓮 Annie Mae Wong
◯黃素恩 Mary Wong
◯葉桂仙 Barbara Yap |
Preliminary Contestants / 初賽佳麗── |
◯陳玉葉 Yuk Ip Chun
◯黃金歡 Loretta K. H. Wong
◯何瑞瓊 Ethel Jean Ho
◯梁月嬌 June N. Q. Leong
◯ Lily Ann Goo
Janet Chun is 22 years-old and stands 5'1" tall. She weighs 103 lbs and her measurements are 32"-23"-35". Janet is a Pearl Harbor clerk and a graduate of Baldwin High School in Maui.
For the talent segment, she gave the Mu Lan poem.
Narcissus Queen is another crown to add to the list of her accomplishments. Janet had been Junior Prom Queen at her high school in Maui and also the Chinese Beauty Queen of 1948 sponsored by the Chinese Civic Association of Honolulu that was held at the July 4th celebration.
The very first Narcissus Queen contest was created as part of the Narcissus Festival to bring business to the Chinatown area of Honolulu and to help perpetuate the Chinese culture. It was held around the time of Chinese New Year. The pageant in its first year only allowed girls that were full Chinese and have some Chinese language ability. The pageant composed called for excellence in 3 areas: Evening Gown, Talent and Bathing Suit. Evening Gown and Talent accounted for 40 percent of the score, while Bathing Suit accounted for 60 percent.

THE 10 FINALISTS (Back, L to R: Barbara Yap, Nora Mun, Betty Lung, Ruth Awai, Nathalie Young, Muriel Lung, Janet Chun) (Seated, L to R: Mary Wong, Annie Mae Wong, Dora Bow)
Janet with her trophy. Her crown, a fragrant headpiece circled with narcissus cuts flown in from Hong Kong. Her prizes include a round-trip ticket to the mainland where she will tour the west coast cities.